
Our Beef Farm

At The Beef Farm, our primary focus is raising high quality beef.

On our family farms, we grow approximately 250,000 Lbs. of beef annually with farm locations in multiple counties of Alabama. It’s a lot of hard work but it’s something we have a passion for.

Our offerings consist of locally grown, chemical free, fresh beef at a great value to our customers with harvest dates all throughout the year. Our winning combination of volume-based inventory and consistent high-quality beef rank us #1 for fulfilment of consumer needs.

Our Beef Farm

about us

Our Story

In 1900, the Freeman family of Limestone County Alabama worked as many did during that time, providing for the family off their land. The family farmed throughout Central North Alabama extending northward from the Tennessee river toward the Northern top of the state. As it went in those days, wagons would be loaded with supplies while horses and mules made their way from field-to-field, planting in the spring, and harvesting in the fall. They often spent days camped out in the fields as they worked before returning home. Specialty crops, cattle, poultry and swine would be introduced into the operation as the years progressed which even included a moderately sized dairy. During WWII, the family worked land on Redstone Arsenal and recalled driving farm equipment through constructed mock Japanese cities they referred to as “little Tokyo”. Land was also leased from the TVA for crops, hay and grazing.

Today, as the family has integrated and the fifth generation is now raising the sixth, farming is most definitely still held close to our hearts. The face of agriculture has changed significantly from the way it looked in 1900 but 120+ years later, we still embrace the same foundational work ethic and dedication to agriculture that generates our high-quality products. Farming is our heritage, it’s what we do. Come join us, we are excited to see what tomorrow holds.